“What a very beautiful Lady you truly are. Over the last 6 months or so since we have met, you have helped me open up and see the true beauty that resides in this world. You offered your Reiki healing butterflies to Drake via long distance healing on many occasions when Drake was sick in hospital and I cannot thank you enough for your time and generosity. The beauty of young children is they have wonderful imagination. So many times I have seen Drake’s face light up with joy even though he had been so sick at the time. I definitely believe that you have played a huge part in Drake’s healing and I cannot thank you enough. Reflecting off what I could see Drake seeing opened me up on such a deeper level to the world of healing. I have always felt like Drake was brought into my life as a sick little Bubba so I could learn how to embrace my gifts as a healer. And I believe also you came into my life for the same reason to reflect and learn from what we give and receive from each other and from within.”~ R.W.