Date(s) - 05/06/2018
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm ET
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Michael Bradford is an international intuitive energy healer, business coach, author and spiritual teacher with extensive expertise in the areas of health, healing, personal excellence, spiritual growth, entrepreneurship, success and wealth creation. He has a Masters Degree in International Management and advanced training in Intuition, NLP, Hypnosis, Reiki, Energy Medicine, Reading Energy Patterns and many other specialties.
Throughout his travels, he has shared healing experiences with Native American Medicine People, Canadian Medicine People, an Eskimo healer, Peruvian shamans, psychic surgeons from the Philippines, the Maoris and many hundreds of other therapists, healers, psychics, shamans and medical professionals. He has assisted countless medical and healing practitioners, including chiropractors, holistic medical doctors, psychiatrists and therapists, to help heal their patients.
Using his unique, cutting-edge, multidimensional methods, Michael has helped thousands of clients in over thirty countries to break free of their limitations, balance karma and become more successful. They’ve gained greater access to their intuition, sped up their healing process, accelerated their spiritual growth, gained clarity, improved relationships, attracted greater success and increased their finances. Michael offers private sessions, coaching, mentoring and in-depth workshops on personal breakthrough, financial success and intuition training. He is also available for conferences, keynote speeches, summits and joint ventures.
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