Date(s) - 11/04/2018
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm ET
Scott Collins, Medical Medium Naturopath
Scott remembers being 22-23? He was at a party with two dear friends who were sitting together on the other side of the garden, he could feel them and it wasn’t nice, he walked up to them an asked why they were talking about me the shocked amazed looks on their faces left them speechless as to how he knew… It was by accident Scott discovered he could sense people in a remarkable way.
Scott’s earliest memories was he has been super sensitive, to people, their emotions and especially to what’s trapped in their body’s! Many know him as a Qualified Naturopathic Practitioner and after 12 years, Scott decided to shift from simply being a Naturopath to his true calling
“Scott, Medical Medium Naturopath”.
Since that party and numerous times since, the stunned reactions on peoples faces has become normal for him. The irony is that he had been in training his entire life and just didn’t realize it. For the longest time Scott felt there was something wrong with him, he felt weird and unusual, like a misfit. He tried to fit in and in the process of attempting to please others he put on so many masks that he almost forgot what it felt like to be himself.
Since late 2017, Scott felt like he was suffocating under all those masks and one day he just snapped. His true essence had enough of hiding out. He could no longer deny who he was and what comes so naturally to him and fills his heart with Joy. Scott loves to help people transform their lives, their health and opening being’s hearts to their true gifts.
This year marks a new chapter in Scott’s life, he openly declared my passion and love for healing with my intuitive gifts as Scott Collins Medical Medium Naturopath. He decided to take his own advice trusting in who he was and what he does. If you work with Scott, he will ask the same of you – to trust yourself, so you can create your own magic.
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