Date(s) - 05/29/2016
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm ET
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Elaine MacNaughton has been Complimentary Therapist for 10 years doing various types of massage, aromatherapy and reflexology. 9 years ago she studied Emotional Freedom Technique (tapping) which is where she learned the foundations of energy therapy. After reading an article on the effects of oxytocin (the chemical produced when we hug or when we are in love) in the body and on the mind as it produces the ‘feel good factor’ she began to realise that getting oxytocin to be produced while addressing negative emotion it would gently shift out until her clients would have a Paradigm Shift whereby they would suddenly see things from a more positive point of view and would no longer be able to ‘find’ the negative emotion they had addressed in the first place.
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